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Quarterly Economic Survey


The South Yorkshire Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) captures a regular snapshot of business sentiment on the local economy and business matters.

Click here to complete the latest QES - Access to Finance.

It is the largest and most representative independent business survey of its kind in the UK. It is the first economic indicator of the quarter, published in advance of official figures and other private surveys, and it consistently mirrors trends in official data. For this reason, the survey is closely watched by policymakers such as the Treasury, the Bank of England, the Office of Budget Responsibility, the EU Commission and the IMF.

Results from the South Yorkshire QES are used to influence local, regional and national governments and decision makers to help shape the support structures available to the local business community.

It is vital that South Yorkshire businesses take part in the survey to help inform and influence decisions that affect the local economy.

The South Yorkshire QES opens for a few weeks every three months. Each quarter, in addition to the standard questions that remain unchanged, the survey features a small number of 'snapshot' questions on an issue that is particularly pertinent at that time. Previous topics have included skills supply, innovation, and the priorities for South Yorkshire's Metro Mayor.

You do not need to be a current South Yorkshire Chamber member to respond to the survey, and all responses are reported anonymously. 

Please click on the image below to complete the latest QES - Access to Finance.

Complete the latest QES - Access to Finance.

All previous results can be found on Doncaster Chamber's QES page.