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Policing and Reform Directorate


Role and Responsibilities

As of 7 May 2024 the South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, exercises the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). 

This means the Mayor is responsible for securing and maintaining an efficient and effective police force, and for holding the Chief Constable to account for the running of the force. 

The Mayor now has responsibility for the totality of policing in South Yorkshire and provides leadership for keeping communities safe. He is also the local link between the police and communities and is working to deliver the expectations of the public, in terms of policing and crime reduction.

The key roles and responsibilities of PCCs, as outlined in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, include:

  • Securing the maintenance of an efficient and effective police force and holding the Chief Constable to account.
  • Appointing, and where necessary, suspending or calling on a Chief Constable to retire or resign.
  • Issuing a Police and Crime Plan setting out the police and crime objectives.
  • Consulting the public to ensure that their views and priorities on community safety issues inform the police and crime plan.
  • Preparing an annual report.
  • Deciding the budget, allocating assets and funds to the Chief Constable; and setting the precept for the force area.
  • Attendance at the Police and Crime Panel.
  • Commissioning services and providing grants to help tackle and prevent crime, while supporting vulnerable people and those affected by crime.
  • Convening community safety and criminal justice partners with mutual duties to co-operate and implement changes across the police force area.
  • Entering into collaboration agreements with other PCCs, other policing bodies and partners to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Oversight of the police complaint review process.
  • Keeping emergency services collaboration opportunities under review.

The Mayor does not run the police. The role is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account.

There are 2 public consultations open to help shape policing in South Yorkshire. 

The first is a consultation to seek your views on the policing priorities being proposed for the Police and Crime Plan, which sets out the Mayor’s policing priorities for South Yorkshire Police over the next five years.   

The second consultation is seeking your views on the setting of the policing precept for South Yorkshire – the small part of your council tax bill that is spent on policing and crime services.   

The responses you provide will be used to form part of the proposal for the council tax precept for next year...

If you wish to get in touch regarding a policing and reform matter, please contact us using