The Mayor and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority have certain statutory powers over transport and funding from Government, and lead on decision-making.
The Mayoral Combined Authority Constitution
Our Constitution of the Mayoral Combined Authority sets out in a single place, how the Mayoral Combined Authority works, its legal powers and obligations, how decisions are made and the protocols we follow to ensure that we are open, transparent and accountable to the public. The Constitution also outlines the roles and responsibilities for our different Boards and Committees.
Read the Constitution of the Mayoral Combined Authority (PDF, 5,673KB).
Code of Corporate Governance
The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority adhere to a Code of Corporate Governance (PDF, 195KB) that describes how SYMCA directs and controls what it is accountable for.
Assurance Framework
Our Assurance Framework (PDF, 1.9MB) explains what activities and decisions the Mayoral Combined Authority and the Mayor are responsible for and outlines how we appraise, assess and approve projects and programmes for investment.
The Assurance Framework is reviewed, updated and published for the start of each financial year but may be amended and re-published mid-year if improvements or significant changes are made to our governance and assurance structures and processes.
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Our Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PDF, 3.5MB) sets out how we monitor and evaluate all programmes and projects funded by the MCA with devolved or awarded money from Government. It lists the key performance indicators, output and outcome targets that we use to assess programme and project delivery.
Procurement Policy
When undertaking any procurement, all Boards, Committees, members, officers and staff must comply with our Contract Procurement Rules (PDF, 509KB). Follow the link to find current opportunities to supply goods and services to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.
Risk Management Policy
We are committed to managing risk responsibly. View our Risk Management Framework (PDF, 275KB).
Data Protection and Security
Due to the nature of our work, particularly in relation to appraising and awarding funding and grants to companies and individuals, we hold and process personal, financial and commercial data. This data is held and processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). View our Data Protection Policy (PDF, 347KB).
Staff are also required to adhere to the IT Policy (PDF, 184KB) which covers data and network security.
Members Code of Conduct
Our Members Code of Conduct, which can be found in the Constitution of the Mayoral Combined Authority, requires our members to conform with the Seven Principles of Public Life - selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
Register of Members’ Interests
From 1 April 2019 Board Members’ Register of Interest can be found on their individual profiles page.
In addition, members are asked to declare any interest in specific agenda items at the start of each Board meeting. You can search for Declarations of Interest made at meetings on our Committees and Meetings database website.
Click here to view the South Yorkshire Mayor's expenses.
Gifts and Hospitality
Our Gifts and Hospitality Policy, found in the constitution, requires Mayoral Combined Authority Board Members to submit written notification of any gifts or hospitality with a value of £100 or more within 28 days of receiving that gift or hospitality. Written notification must be submitted to the Mayoral Combined Authority’s Monitoring Officer.
In line with our Gifts and Hospitality Policy we publish gifts and hospitality received with a value of more than £50 on individual’s profiles on our Committees and Meetings database website.
Upon request, the Historic Gifts and Hospitality before April 2020 can be requested.
Concessionary Travel Scheme Policy
As part of the Department for Transport Concessionary Travel Scheme we are required by Law to publish our Concession Scheme Documents on our website. These detail our policies on payment of concessionary reimbursement to transport operators.
SYMCA Transport Act 1985 Travel Concession Scheme 2024-25 (PDF, 308KB)
SYMCA Transport Act 2000 Travel Concession Scheme 2024-25 (PDF, 224KB)
SYMCA Transport Act 1985 Travel Concession Scheme 2025-26 (PDF, 304KB)
SYMCA Transport Act 2000 Travel Concession Scheme 2025-26 (PDF, 214KB)
Confidential Complaints Procedure
If you wish to make a complaint about a member of the Mayoral Combined Authority, please contact the Monitoring Officer at:
Legal & Governance
11 Broad Street West
S1 2BQ
View our Complaints Procedure page.