The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is a new three-year fund running from 2022/23 that replaces European Structural and Investment Funds. The South Yorkshire UKSPF allocation totals £46.2m, made up of £7.3m Multiply and £38.9m “Core” UKSPF. South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) will administer UKSPF for South Yorkshire’s four local authority areas.
The purpose of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK, this will be achieved through three UKSPF priorities:
- Communities and Place
- Local Business Support
- People and Skills
The South Yorkshire UKSPF Investment Plan (PDF, 869kb) sets out our local priorities over the next three years. SYMCA engaged with a wide range of local stakeholders from the private, public, community and voluntary sectors and received their input on how the funding should be spent and how they could support delivery in the period from 2022 to 2025.
UKSPF update
In year 1 of the UKSPF programme, SYMCA - working with closely with Sheffield City Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, and City of Doncaster Council - has provided UKSPF funding to 10 projects across the region in 2022/2023 financial year.
These focused on helping with the cost-of-living crisis, enhancing culture, delivering events in town centres, supporting social enterprises, working with Rotherham Borough Council on the world’s first Children’s Capital of Culture, and providing support to the voluntary and community sector. All these projects were approved by the Local Partnership Group, which consists of external stakeholders covering the voluntary and community sector, business, skills, and the environment.
This SYMCA UKSPF webpage is currently being updated, with more detail to come about 2023-24 projects, the Local Partnership Group, copies of funding agreements, and good news stories.
For enquiries relating to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund please contact the Growth Hub at: growthhub@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk