The Active Travel Implementation Plan (PDF, 2.2Mb) sets out how, by 2040, a fully connected network of walking and cycling routes will link our region, transforming communities and ensuring that people have the means and the confidence to leave their cars at home, and choose to travel on foot or by bicycle.
The network will be made up of more than 620 miles of accessible walking and cycling routes, feature 800 safe crossings for people travelling on foot or by bike, and contain nearly 200 square miles of low-traffic neighbourhoods, which see streets transformed into places in which families, children, pedestrians and those on bikes can relax and play safely, with very little through traffic.
In keeping with Dame Sarah Storey's (former SYMCA Active Travel Commissioner) pledge to ensure that all Active Travel activity is led by the will and the needs of the local community, the network was constructed with the help of over 4000 comments from the public, made via the Active Travel Interactive Map.
The map allows those who take – or want to take – journeys on foot or by bike to give their feedback on areas of the region’s existing infrastructure, helping to contribute to a comprehensive overview of the current picture, and where improvements can be made.