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You can submit a question to the Mayoral Combined Authority meeting or any of its formal boards.
The various board information is available on our Committees and Meetings database website. They include:

Questions must be received in writing at least 3 working days prior to the meeting to  You will need to provide your name, postal address and confirm how you would prefer to be contacted, e.g. email, letter or phone call.

All questions should be clear, concise and limited to a maximum of 100 words.
We will contact you to inform you of arrangements for presenting your question to the relevant board.

Please note you may ask a maximum of 2 questions in any 6 month period.


Petitions to the Mayoral Combined Authority must be submitted to 3 working days before the meeting is due to take place. You will need to provide your name, postal address and confirm how you would prefer to be contacted, e.g. email, letter or phone call.

We will contact you to inform you of arrangements for presenting your petition. If you are unable to attend the meeting, the petition can be presented your behalf and a written response provided.

You can also submit your questions or submit petitions to:

The Governance Team
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
11 Broad Street West
S1 2BQ
